Connection, Queue & Delay

You can configure a global delay, connection and queue that will apply to all jobs in the haystack. You can also provide a per-job configuration if you would prefer.


You can use the withDelay method to apply a global delay to every job.

$haystack = Haystack::build()
   ->addJob(new RecordPodcast) 
   ->addJob(new ProcessPodcast)


You can use the onConnection method to use a given connection for every job.

$haystack = Haystack::build()
   ->addJob(new RecordPodcast) 
   ->addJob(new ProcessPodcast)


You can use the onQueue method to use a given queue for every job.

$haystack = Haystack::build()
   ->addJob(new RecordPodcast) 
   ->addJob(new ProcessPodcast)

Custom Delay, Connection, Queue Per Job

You can also choose to use a different delay, connection or queue for every job!

$haystack = Haystack::build()
   ->addJob(new RecordPodcast, delay: 60, queue: 'low', connection: 'redis') 
   ->addJob(new ProcessPodcast, delay: 120, queue: 'high', connection: 'sqs')

If you have already configured the job with delay, connection or queue, it will use that configuration.

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